A good quadriceps workout routine is essential to achieve strong legs capable of overcoming any challenge. Before starting, it must be clear that the quadriceps are a group of muscles that make up the total mass of the legs. That is to say, all together, they form one of the biggest muscular groups of our body.
The most curious thing is that the exercises to train the quadriceps can be done at home as you do not require the material of a gym. So there’s no excuse!
The exercises for training quads can be divided into different categories, depending on the degree of difficulty. For this reason, at Madform, we categorize them into: Beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Exercises to strengthen quadriceps: beginner level
Assisted squats
This is one of the most basic quadriceps training exercises and is clearly recommended for those beginning quadriceps training.
To do this, hold onto a stable base and pull as far away from the object as your arms lengthen. To avoid too much help from the support, try separating the feet to the width of the shoulders.
It is very important to maintain a correct body position. A word of advice, keep your eyes forward and point your feet and knees towards the front.
The exercise takes place with up and down movements, bending your hips and knees. Slowly, as low as you can and, above all, without bending your back.
Isometric squat (wall sit)
In this exercise, you will be able to feel the quadriceps activated without pause. Keep the squat movement constant, with your back against a wall. First, start the movement with your feet in a position ahead of the rest of your body.
When bringing your body down, keep your knees behind your toes and thighs at a 90-degree angle to the floor. In this way, you will be able to keep your muscles in full performance.
Once in this position, hold on. You should be able to stay about 10/12 seconds in the right position to maximize the results.
In case you don’t need support to get started in quadriceps exercises you can start with a squat without any support.
In order to develop the exercise correctly it is important that the back is not curved and that the gaze is always towards the front. The point in which we direct the look is of high importance since it will mark the position of the neck, a sensitive part that we must always have in mind to avoid injuries.
Once the initial position is clear, bend your knees and lower your body with your back straight. You should lower your hip to below the knees, breaking the 90 degree angle with the floor.
Once down, go back up to the starting position. Repeat the movement and do between 3 and 5 sets of about 10 repetitions.
Exercises for quadriceps training: intermediate level
Bulgarian squat
In order to carry out the correct performance of this exercise it is necessary to start by standing with your back to a bench. This should have the approximate height of the knees. Then, go a distance of about one meter and put an instep on the bench.
It is important to keep the distance from the bench to avoid hitting the knees when going down, when putting the instep you will not be completely stable and the load for your quadriceps will be greater.
Even so, if you think the position is not the most appropriate, you can support the tip of the foot instead of the instep.
The exercise should be performed down until the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor. On the other hand, you should pay attention to the knee so that it does not extend beyond the tip of the foot when going back up.
Squatting pistol with chair
This exercise is a training to strengthen the quadriceps that will help you prepare other exercises of a higher complexity.
The exercise begins with your back to the chair, with your leg elevated and sturdy, just like your arms. Then, descend as slowly as possible until you are seated in the chair.
Then go back up to the starting position using only one leg. Repeat several times with each leg.
Assisted pistol squat
We recommend this exercise to perform a correct and full activation of the quadriceps. This is due to the fact that we subject only one leg to a great load.
It is important to locate a point of support that allows us to help us maintain our balance. In this way, you can support one of your hands or use a vertical grip with both hands.
Start the exercise by leaning on the support and with one leg and the other arm extended down to break the 90 degree angle with the ground. Once down, go back up. Remember that the support is not for you to hold on to, but for you to “support” yourself and thus make the exercise less complex.
It is important that you have flexibility in your legs to perform this exercise correctly. This feature will allow you to do very deep squats.
Exercises to strengthen the quadriceps: advanced level
Box jump squat
From Madform we recommend the use of this exercise once you have flexibility and some power in your legs. We will consider that it is an explosive movement that requires the coordination of the whole body.
Important, you will need a bench and a box, but it must be very stable to avoid falls that can lead to serious injuries.
To start the exercise you must place yourself in front of the box. Jump with your feet together while coordinating your arms to execute the upward movement.
To cushion the impact, you must climb with the whole sole of the foot and bending your knees.
Finally, jump back again. Get out of the box with your knees bent. Repeat the exercise several times until you can do several complete sets of 15/20 jumps.
Squatting pistol
This is undoubtedly one of the most complex exercises for training quads. For its correct execution it is necessary to coordinate flexibility, balance and strength.
The initial position of the exercise is similar to that of the assisted version that we have flashed previously. To do this, we must raise one leg and extend one arm. Then, we will lower the body supporting all the weight on the leg that performs the flexion. We will descend until breaking the 90 degrees with the ground.
Once down, keeping the tension in the body and the back straight, we will go up again with the same leg until recovering the initial position.
It is important to repeat this exercise several times with each leg. The ideal would be to be able to carry out 3 series of about 20 repetitions for each leg.
Extension of legs with body weight
We like this exercise very much because of its high effectiveness in activating the quadriceps. The movement starts kneeling on the floor. Then, keeping your back straight and your hips in a state of blockage, lower your arms to the sides and begin to slowly descend
Of course, very important, do not bend your back at any time and keep your hips firm.
Go down as low as you can and go up again. Repeat the exercise slowly, without haste. Perform several series of about 10/12 repetitions. You will notice the results in a very short time.