To lose 3 to 7 kilos, it is enough to rebalance your meals and get a little more active. If you can’t do it alone, it’s better to get help from a health professional than to go on a drastic diet.
Eat less and move more
There are all kinds of reasons for overweight: from an unbalanced diet to a life that is too sedentary, not to mention all the events in life that can impact weight: pregnancy, menopause, aging, smoking cessation, taking certain treatments (cortisone for example), hormonal imbalance… The cure is always the same: a temporary reduction in caloric intake, combined with an increase in energy costs. Once the excess kilos have been lost, in order not to regain them, it will be necessary to continue to monitor the contents of the plate, especially if the cause of the overweight is mainly food.
Food advice to lose between 3 and 7 kilos
To lose weight without cravings or deficiencies, adopt the following menus:
An unsweetened drink: coffee, tea, herbal tea;
A cereal food preferably rich in fibre: wholemeal bread, cereal or bran bread, or breakfast cereals such as All’Bran, oatmeal, müesli. On the bread, spread lightly, light butter 15 or 40 %MG, or light sugar jam;
A dairy product, semi-skimmed milk, unsweetened plain yoghurt (possibility of sweetener), or cottage cheese at 0 or 3% MG ;
Eventually, a fruit.
Vegetables and/or cooked vegetables: count one tablespoon of oil per person for salad dressings, one teaspoon of light oil or butter or one tablespoon of light cream in hot vegetables;
At least at one of the two meals, a meat (avoid lamb and poultry skin) or a fish or 2 eggs or 2 slices of ham: count 100 to 150 g according to your appetite;
Try cooking these foods without fat, or just with a teaspoon of oil or margarine;
A dairy product, for example a portion of cheese at one of the two meals (30 to 60 g), and a dairy product at the other meal: unsweetened plain yogurt or yoghurt with fruit 0 %MG ;
A fruit;
Bread and/or starch: pasta, rice, potatoes, semolina, wheat, corn, dried vegetables.
The proportions of bread and starch should be adapted to your energy needs, for example the equivalent of 1/6 of a baguette for a woman, and 1/4 or 1/3 of a baguette for a man.
It is better to taste than to crack at the end of the day. Depending on how hungry you feel, you can settle for a 0% fruit or dairy, or on the contrary take a more consistent break: an individual bag of cookies or an individual chocolate bar, with a glass (or briquette) of semi-skimmed milk, or two slices of country bread with two portions of light cheese spreads (with a maximum of 10% fat) or a slice of ham.
Cheat Meal: are “cracks” allowed?
Deli meats, fried meats, dishes with sauces, pizzas and quiches, pastries, pastries, pastries, ice creams, sweets… All these foods are high in calories. We must not remove everything, at the risk of getting frustrated and eating too much later, but we must limit it. For example, if you spontaneously consume 5 extras per week, try to limit yourself to 2 to 3 per week.
The same applies to energy drinks, wines and other alcohols, sodas, fruit juices, at least halve your consumption.
Sport to slim down effectively
Physical activity affects weight in two ways. On the one hand, you burn more calories when you walk than when you sit in front of the TV, that makes sense! On the other hand, the regular practice of a sport gradually increases muscle mass. And, the more muscular you are, the more energy you need: in the diet phase, it helps you lose weight, in the stabilization phase, it allows you to treat yourself to a few food fantasies without any consequences.
Everything is a pretext to move more:
to go shopping on foot;
to walk the dog more;
if you take public transport, walk for one or two stations, climb the stairs;
you can also focus family leisure time on physical activity: walking or cycling, swimming pool sessions, football or table tennis games.
If you decide to (re)start a sport, don’t forget to consult your doctor or even take an exercise test (essential after the age of 40).
Diet: what if it doesn’t work?
A reasonable rate of weight loss is about 500 g per week, or 2 kilos per month. If it’s a little faster at first, and then it goes down, that’s fine. If you continue to lose 1 kilo per week or more, it’s too fast: increase your bread and starchy proportions, even your frequency of extras. If, on the other hand, you lose 1 kilo per month, it may seem long and unmotivating, but as long as it works, you might as well not reduce the energy intake of the diet. If you are not losing weight at all, you should consult your doctor, to understand the cause of these extra kilos and a dietician, who will prepare a tailor-made food program without deficiency.
Your difficulty in losing weight may simply be due to the fact that you have been on several diets in previous years: the more restrictions have been made, the less the body responds well to diets. That is why, instead of embarking on a protein diet or an “artichoke diet”, which will make the situation even worse in the medium term, it is essential to get help from a professional.
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