With the right partner for your own web design in kansas city, the implementation of the company website succeeds. We give tips for the right selection of the right web designer. Our simple tips are meant to help you assess the competence and experience of the web designer you are looking for, so that there will be no unpleasant surprises later on.
It is actually very easy to find an experienced and professional web designer who will successfully implement your company website in such a way that it will generate new customers, be found by search engines and increase your turnover and demand.
A poorly implemented website can cost you more customers than you might think. In addition, many entrepreneurs are unfortunately not at all aware that they operate a faulty website.
Webdesigner as job title is unfortunately not protected
Anyone who wants to, can theoretically call himself a web designer. And many who are able to use a webdesign construction kit do so as well, unfortunately. As an ignorant person, it is difficult to distinguish at this point. Often graphic designers from the print sector, programmers, photographers etc. offer the web design service as an additional service in their portfolio. Someone who can program or someone who designs business cards or brochures is not a professional web designer.
Web design has more to do with the design of control elements than with graphic design as we know it from the print sector. The perfect programming of a website is just one of many subtopics whose expertise is necessary for a successful corporate website.
Web design is actually a multilayered collective term: A professionally implemented website for a company, a doctor or a law firm, which always generates new customers, consists of several partial expertises. Only if these expertises are coordinated and complement each other can a website become a successful and long-lasting marketing tool.
The expertise of a professional web designer is:
Target group identification / communication concept and strategy development
Design of the interfaces of the website / screen design
Programming for all end devices (responsive web design)
Texts for web pages so that search engines can index them optimally
Here are our tips for the right choice of a suitable web designer …
Tip 1: What about recommendations?
Incredibly many website operators are unaware that they have an inadequate website that is not working properly for marketing purposes. For an inexperienced person, however, this is also difficult to detect. Maybe the graphic design is impressive, but you don’t notice that the color design doesn’t match the offered service or company in any way and that other important elements of the website, such as search engine optimization, user friendliness, display on mobile devices only work insufficiently.
In this case, control is certainly better than blind trust. Our tip: in the first step, test and check the website of the web designer you have been recommended and ask people with web design expertise before contacting them.
It’s easy to find out how even an inexperienced web designer can tell if you’re dealing with a professional and reputable web designer who will be involved in your web design project with love for his profession.
This is why we come to tip 2: Examine the career and references of a web designer
A professional and serious web designer will introduce himself on his website with his background and also a list of his references. After all, every potential client wants to know with whom he will start a project. On pages on the homepage like: “About me” or “Our team” this information is usually shown.
Take a close look at them:
What training does the web designer have, what experience does he have, how long has he been on the market? On the reference page you can certainly get some insights about the design approach, expertise and approach of the web designer.
Wine web designer, who has studied design and programming and has several years of professional experience, will certainly be better suited for the implementation of a company website than someone who only builds websites as a part-time job. Here you have to consider the right composition. As already mentioned: If your new website is to function successfully and as a strategic marketing tool, it consists of several sub-disciplines. If someone has studied graphic design in print, this doesn’t mean that they can also create professional websites for companies. If you don’t see this image of these points on the web site of the web designer you’re reviewing, don’t consider it.
Tip 3: Check the texts on the web designer’s website
Whether a web designer really has expertise can also be seen from his own texts on his website. If you encounter phrases like: “Through our creativity to your success” and afterwards only short texts with low information content, then this web designer probably has only poor knowledge about text design for successful websites.
An experienced and professional web designer will give many valuable tips and share worth knowing with you on his website. Do not be impressed with the aged saying “a photo says more than a thousand words”.
Photos surely bind our attention faster than a text and create ideas, but it definitely says nothing more than a targeted text with high information content – it is simply another medium. A successful website needs both – perfect photos and informative and rich texts.